Prevention policy
During this difficult time, the safety of our customers and Shopicelandic staff members worldwide is our highest priority. As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak evolves, we are taking all necessary precautions to ensure this. Shopicelandic has implemented several best practice measures to protect employees, partners and customers alike and reduce the risk of spreading infection. These include:
- Our warehouse will continue to ship orders, and increased checks at our facilities, including augmented shift work and social distancing, will be enforced.
- In addition to our normal hygiene standards, we have increased access to hand sanitizers and taken measures to ensure all employees practice regular hand-washing. Furthermore, we have increased regular cleaning at all locations.
- Working from home is not possible for all employees, but the majority of our extended workforce is currently telecommuting.
- We are closely monitoring governmental advice and continue to follow existing risk assessments and safe systems of work. At present, we anticipate only minimal impacts on our supply chain and our ability to deliver products to our customers. We are continually sharing data and information with our partners and will notify immediately of any changes to our business terms.
- There is no perceived increase in risk from handling mail or freight from areas affected by the coronavirus.